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622 results

  • Gwaith carthu a gwaredu at ddiben cynnal a chadw yn harbwr Aberystwyth

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Gwaith Carthu a Gwaredu at Ddiben Cynnal a Chadw yn Harbwr Aberystwyth Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwaith carthu a gwaredu at ddiben cynnal a chadw yn harbwr Aberystwyth. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 7 January 2022
  • Notice of Application for New Quay Harbour Maintenance Dredge and Disposal

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Ceredigion County Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a maintenance dredge and disposal at New Quay harbour. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents... More
    Closed 5 January 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Gwaith Carthu a Gwaredu at Ddiben Cynnal a Chadw yn Harbwr Cei Newydd

    Deddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwaith carthu a gwaredu at ddiben cynnal a chadw yn harbwr Cei Newydd. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim ar ein cofrestr gyhoeddus .... More
    Closed 5 January 2022
  • Red Wharf Bay Sea Defence Wall

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Red Wharf Bay Sea Defence Wall Notice is hereby given that Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Red Wharf Bay Sea Defence Wall. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents... More
    Closed 28 December 2021
  • Amddiffynfa Forol Traeth Coch

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais am ar gyfer Amddiffynfa Forol Traeth Coch Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer ar gyfer Amddiffynfa Forol Traeth Coch. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y... More
    Closed 28 December 2021
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Cefni, Pentraeth, Coed Nant a Cadw

    Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu tuag at y ymgynghoriad hwn. Rydym wedi derbyn llawer o adborth a sylwadau defnyddiol, roedd hefyd yn wych cwrdd â phawb a ddaeth i'n sesiynau galw heibio. Gweler isod gopi o'r ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus. Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am reoli coetiroedd a choedwigoedd Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus mewn modd cynaliadwy. Fe'u rheolir er budd a lles y bobl sy'n ymweld â nhw ac sy’n dibynnu arnynt am eu bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb... More
    Closed 22 December 2021
  • Cefni, Pentraeth, Coed Nant and Cadw Forest Resource Plan

    Thank you everyone who has contributed towards this consultation. We have recieved lots of useful feedback and comments, it was also great to meet everyone who turned up to our drop in sessions. Please find below a copy of the response to the public consultation. Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them... More
    Closed 22 December 2021
  • Trial Pit Excavations at Rock House Sea Wall, Sandy Haven

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Trial Pit Excavations at Rock House Sea Wall, Sandy Haven Notice is hereby given that George Llewellin has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Trial Pit Excavations at Rock House Sea Wall, Sandy Haven. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 16 December 2021
  • Gwaith cloddio Pyllau Arbrofol ym Morglawdd Rock House, Sandy Haven

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwaith cloddio Pyllau Arbrofol ym Morglawdd Rock House, Sandy Haven Hysbysir drwy hyn fod George Llewellin wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwaith cloddio Pyllau Arbrofol ym Morglawdd Rock House, Sandy Haven. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 16 December 2021
  • Penrhyn Bay Coastal Defence And Public Realm Improvements Scheme

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Penrhyn Bay Coastal Defence And Public Realm Improvements Scheme Notice is hereby given that Conwy County Borough Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Penrhyn Bay Coastal Defence and Public Realm Improvements Scheme. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 15 December 2021
  • Cynllun Gwella Amddiffynfa Arfordirol Bae Penrhyn A Thir Y Cyhoedd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais Ar Gyfer Cynllun Gwella Amddiffynfa Arfordirol Bae Penrhyn A Thir Y Cyhoedd Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer Cynllun Gwella Amddiffynfa Arfordirol Bae Penrhyn A Thir Y Cyhoedd. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 15 December 2021
  • Newbridge Energy Limited EPR Permit Application

    We've received a variation application to vary an environmental permit from Newbridge Energy Limited under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. Application number: PAN-005141/V002 Regulated facility type: Schedule 1, Part 2, Chapter 5, Section 5.1 Part B (a)(v) The incineration in a small waste incineration plant with an aggregate capacity of 50 kg or more per hour of the following waste – wood waste with the... More
    Closed 22 November 2021
  • Cais Newbridge Energy Limited am drwydded amgylcheddol

    Rydym wedi derbyn cais am drwydded gan Newbridge Energy Limited o dan Reoliadau Trwyddedu Amgylcheddol (Cymru a Lloegr) 2016. Rhif y cais: PAN-005141/V002 Math o gyfleuster rheoledig: Atodlen 1, Rhan 2, Pennod 5, Adran 5.1 Rhan B (a)(v) Llosgi mewn gweithfa losgi fechan sy’n dal cyfanswm o 50 kg neu fwy yr awr o’r gwastraff canlynol – gwastraff pren ac eithrio gwastraff pren a allai gynnwys cyfansoddion organig halogenaidd neu fetelau... More
    Closed 22 November 2021
  • Ystwyth Valley Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Closed 21 November 2021
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Cwm Ystwyth

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'r coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd yn gynaliadwy. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth... More
    Closed 21 November 2021
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Wysg a Glasfynydd

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'r coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd yn gynaliadwy. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth... More
    Closed 21 November 2021
  • Usk & Glasfynydd Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Closed 21 November 2021
  • Pandora Mine - Management of Mine Contamination: Consultation on Options (Shortlist)

    NRW is carrying out an appraisal of surface water management options to alleviate the contamination associated with Pandora Mine. This project is part of a drive to improve water quality of rivers and catchments under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). We are currently considering different options. As part of this process, our engineering and environmental consultancy Binnies LTD, have consulted with stakeholders on behalf of NRW to get feedback on a potential ‘long... More
    Closed 15 November 2021
  • Miri Mes 2021

    Croeso i'r dudalen gofrestru ar gyfer Miri Mes 2021! Dyma fideo byr i esbonio'r prosiect. Rydym yn gofyn i grwpiau addysg a dysgu fynd allan i’r awyr agored i gasglu mes. Gall pob math o grwpiau addysg a dysgu drefnu casglu hadau, er enghraifft ysgolion, Brownis, Sgowtiaid neu Ffermwyr Ifanc. Mae’n rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ddysgu am, a chysylltu â’r amgylchedd naturiol yng Nghymru. Gall pobl hefyd ddod yn rhan o’r prosiect trwy... More
    Closed 15 November 2021
  • Notice of Application for Câr-y-Môr seaweed and shellfish aquaculture site

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Câr-y-Môr has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is to establish a 3-hectare seaweed and shellfish aquaculture site within Ramsey Sound, Pembrokeshire. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search... More
    Closed 11 November 2021
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer safle dyframaeth gwymon a physgod cregyn Câr-Y-Môr

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Câr-y-Môr wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer sefydlu safle dyframaeth gwymon a physgod cregyn 3 hectar o fewn Swnt Dewi, Sir Benfro. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n .... More
    Closed 11 November 2021
  • Ymgynghoriad ar ymagwedd CNC i reoleiddio saethu a dal adar gwyllt yng Nghymru

    Mae gan holl adar gwyllt Cymru warchodaeth gyfreithiol. Mae gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru nifer o bwerau i awdurdodi eraill i ladd neu gymryd rhywogaethau penodol o adar gwyllt, wyau a nythod at ddibenion penodol, er enghraifft er mwyn atal niwed difrifol i gnydau, da byw neu bysgodfeydd, i warchod iechyd neu ddiogelwch y cyhoedd, neu i warchod rhywogaethau eraill o fywyd gwyllt. Rydym yn ymgymryd ag adolygiad o sut rydym yn arfer y pwerau hyn. Mae'r adolygiad hwn yn... More
    Closed 11 November 2021
  • Consultation on NRW’s approach to regulating the shooting and trapping of wild birds in Wales

    All wild birds in Wales have legal protection. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has a number of powers under which we can authorise others to kill or take particular species of wild birds, eggs and nests for certain purposes, for example in order to prevent serious damage to crops, livestock or fisheries, to protect public health or safety or to conserve other species of wildlife. We are undertaking a review of how we exercise these powers. This review is looking at the... More
    Closed 11 November 2021
  • Life on the River Webinar Evaluation - 20/10/2021

    You have recently attended one of our online training webinars that highlights the opportunities learning in, about and for the natural environment provides and how this supports delivery across the Curriculum for Wales and many other informal curricula. More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar Gyfer Cynllun Amddiffyn Arfordirol Caerdydd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar Gyfer Cynllun Amddiffyn Arfordirol Caerdydd Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae angen caniatâd asesu effeithiau amgylcheddol ar y prosiect ac mae'n destun gofyniad am asesiad o’r effeithiau amgylcheddol dan Reoliadau Gwaith Morol (Asesu Effeithiau... More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Cardiff Coastal Defence Scheme

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Cardiff Coastal Defence Scheme Notice is hereby given that Cardiff Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The project requires EIA consent and is subject to the requirement for an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (“the... More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Adborth ar weminar Bywyd ar yr afon - 20/10/2021

    Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi bod yn cynnig hyfforddiant ar-lein am ddim i dynnu sylw at y cyfleoedd y mae dysgu am yr amgylchedd naturiol ac yn yr amgylchedd naturiol yn eu darparu, a sut mae hyn yn cefnogi’r ddarpariaeth ar draws Cwricwlwm Cymru a llawer o gwricwla anffurfiol eraill. More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Kinmel Bay to Llanddulas Ground Investigation

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Kinmel Bay to Llanddulas Ground Investigation Notice is hereby given that Conwy County Borough Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Kinmel Bay to Llanddulas Ground Investigation. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 27 October 2021
  • Cynnal gwaith archwilio tir o Fae Cinmel i Landdulas

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwaith Archwilio Tir o Fae Cinmel i Landdulas Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer cynnal gwaith archwilio tir o Fae Cinmel i Landdulas. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 27 October 2021
  • A Natural Childhood Webinar Evaluation - 07/10/2021

    You have recently attended one of our online training webinars that highlights the opportunities learning in, about and for the natural environment provides and how this supports delivery across the Curriculum for Wales and many other informal curricula. More
    Closed 14 October 2021
622 results. Page 17 of 21