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622 results

  • Announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement: Improvement works to NRW Pye Corner Depot

    Regulation 12B of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) (Amendment Regulations) 2017/585 Natural Resources Wales gives notice that it proposes to carry out improvement works to NRW Pye Corner Depot, Nash, Newport NP18 2BT The proposed improvement works will involve maintenance of the yards surface, and the erection of industrial sheds with roof PV panels, to act as storage and cover for plant and material to the south of the depot, alongside the... More
    Opened 19 October 2022
  • Hysbysiad o fwriad i beidio â pharatoi datganiad amgylcheddol: Gwaith i wella Cored Merthyr

    Rheoliad 12B Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol (Gwaith Gwella Draenio Tir) (Rheoliadau Diwygio) 2017/585 Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn hysbysu ei fod yn bwriadu gwneud gwaith i wella Cored Merthyr ar Afon Taf, Merthyr Tudful, NGR - SO 04310 06798. Bydd y gwaith gwella arfaethedig yn cynnwys atgyweirio darnau o strwythur y gored, gosod grisiau mynediad at sianel yr afon a gosod ysgol bysgod ar wyneb y gored. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ystyried nad yw’r gwaith gwella yn debygol... More
    Opened 19 October 2022
  • Newborough Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is responsible for the sustainable management of publicly own woodlands and forests of Wales known as the Welsh Government Woodland Estate. As well as providing a valuable timber resource, they are managed for the benefit and well-being of people and local communities who visit them, as well as people who depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes safeguarding their long-term resilience in relation to the nature and climate emergencies, ... More
    Opened 21 October 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Niwbwrch

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) yn gyfrifol am reoli coetiroedd a choedwigoedd cyhoeddus Cymru, sef Ystad Goetir Llywodraeth Cymru, mewn ffordd gynaliadwy. Mae’r Ystad yn darparu adnoddau pren gwerthfawr a chânt eu rheoli hefyd er budd a llesiant pobl a’r cymunedau lleol sy’n ymweld â nhw, yn ogystal â’r bobl sy’n dibynnu arnynt i wneud bywoliaeth. Mae’r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys sicrhau eu bod yn gydnerth yn y tymor hir, mewn perthynas â’r argyfyngau natur a hinsawdd,... More
    Opened 21 October 2022
  • Wye Valley South Forest Resource Plan Consultation

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term... More
    Opened 24 October 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig De Dyffryn Gwy

    Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am reolaeth gynaliadwy ar goetiroedd a choedwigoedd Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus. Fe'u rheolir er budd a lles y bobl sy'n ymweld â nhw ac sy’n dibynnu arnynt am eu bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a'u gwytnwch tymor hir yn wyneb y newid yn yr hinsawdd fel y bydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol hefyd yn gallu mwynhau'r buddion y maen nhw’n eu darparu. Bob deng mlynedd mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn adolygu'r cynlluniau... More
    Opened 24 October 2022
  • Wales Water Management Forum Communication Survey

    The key principles of WFD are: Protect (prevent deterioration) Restore (aim to achieve good or better status) Promote (the value of the water environment and sustainable water use) This survey is aimed at obtaining the views of the members of the Wales Water Management Forum on how we should Promote WFD and best target our collective communication effort now the River Basin Management Plans (Cycle 3) are nearly all published in Wales. More
    Opened 24 October 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Abergynolwyn

    Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am reolaeth gynaliadwy ar goetiroedd a choedwigoedd Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus. Fe'u rheolir er budd a lles y bobl sy'n ymweld â nhw ac sy’n dibynnu arnynt am eu bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a'u gwytnwch tymor hir yn wyneb y newid yn yr hinsawdd fel y bydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol hefyd yn gallu mwynhau'r buddion y maen nhw’n eu darparu. Bob deng mlynedd mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn adolygu'r cynlluniau rheoli... More
    Opened 25 October 2022
  • Abergynolwyn Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Opened 25 October 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Blaenau’r Cymoedd

    Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am reolaeth gynaliadwy ar goetiroedd a choedwigoedd Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus. Fe'u rheolir er budd a lles y bobl sy'n ymweld â nhw ac sy’n dibynnu arnynt am eu bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a'u gwytnwch tymor hir yn wyneb y newid yn yr hinsawdd fel y bydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol hefyd yn gallu mwynhau'r buddion y maen nhw’n eu darparu. Bob deng mlynedd mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn adolygu'r cynlluniau... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Heads of the Valleys Forest Resource Plan Consultation

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Gwybodaeth am weithrediadau coedwig yng Nghomin Trelech

    Diweddariad 03/03/23 Mae gwaith teneuo coedwigoedd a gwaith adfer ar Gomin Trelech bellach wedi'i gwblhau ac mae'r holl lwybrau troed a llwybrau bellach ar agor. Cofiwch fod rhywfaint o bren o gwmpas y safle o hyd. Gall staciau pren fod yn beryglus felly er eich diogelwch, peidiwch â dringo arnynt. Diweddariad 23 Ionawr 2023 Mae'r gwaith teneuo bellach wedi ei gwblhau. Fodd bynnag, mae tu mewn y goedwig yn dal i fod yn safle byw. Mae llwybrau... More
    Opened 8 November 2022
  • Gwybodaeth am weithrediadau coedwig yng Nghoed Cilonydd

    Diweddariad 20/03/23 Ar hyn o bryd, mae ein gwaith cwympo arfaethedig i gael gwared ar goed Llarwydd sydd wedi'u heintio â Phytophthora ramorum o goetir Coed Cilonydd yn dal wedi’i ohirio. Er ein bod yn falch o allu dweud bod yr heriau economaidd blaenorol a wynebwyd gennym o fewn y farchnad bren bellach wedi setlo, rydym bellach wedi cyrraedd tymor bridio adar (Mawrth – Awst) ac ni allwn weithio ar y safle, oherwydd y risg o aflonyddu ar adar sy’n nythu. ... More
    Opened 8 November 2022
  • Information on forest operations at Trellech Common

    Update 20/03/23 Forest thinning operations and reinstatement works in Trellech common have now been completed and all footpaths and trails are now open. Please be aware there is still some timber around the site. Timber stacks can be dangerous so for your safety, please do not climb on them. Update 23 January 2023 The thinning operations are now complete. However, haulage within the woodland is still live. Foot paths into the woodland from the... More
    Opened 8 November 2022
  • Information on forest operations at Coed Cilonydd

    Update 20/03/23 Currently, our planned felling operations to remove Larch trees that are infected with Phytophthora ramorum from the Coed Cilonydd woodland remain on hold. Whilst we are pleased to be able say that the previous economic challenges we faced within the timber market have now settled, we have now entered bird breeding season (March – August) and are unable to work the site, due to the risk of disturbing nesting birds. Work is... More
    Opened 8 November 2022
  • REGISTRATION for free Webinars 30/11/22 - Peatlands Development Grant 2 Guidance

    Registration form for Webinar 30/11/22 - Peatlands Development Grant The window for Webinar registration closes 29/11/22. T he window for Grant applications is open from the 8th of November 2022, closing on the 8th of February 2023. More
    Opened 8 November 2022
  • Application for geotechnical investigation of the existing river Tawe footway

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for geotechnical investigation of the existing river Tawe footway Notice is hereby given that Swansea Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a geotechnical investigation of the existing river Tawe footway. You can see the application documents free of charge, on our online public... More
    Opened 10 November 2022
  • Gais am ymchwiliad daearegyddol o’r troedffordd ger yr afon Tawe

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais am ymchwiliad daearegyddol o’r troedffordd ger yr afon Tawe Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Abertawe wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer ymchwiliad daearegyddol o’r troedffordd ger yr Afon Tawe. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim ar ein cofrestr gyhoeddus . allwch... More
    Opened 10 November 2022
  • Adolygiad o’r modd mae Bwrdd CNC yn ymgysylltu efo’r cyhoedd

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn cynnal cyfarfodydd Bwrdd rheolaidd. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn adolygu'r ffordd mae ein haelodau yn ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a pha newidiadau, os o gwbl, y mae angen eu gwneud i strwythur y cyfarfodydd er mwyn hwyluso gwell ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd. More
    Opened 10 November 2022
  • Cardigan Tidal Flood Risk Management Scheme

    Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is developing a flood risk management scheme to reduce the risk of tidal flooding in The Strand area of Cardigan. The scheme will aim to reduce the tidal flood risk to approximately 90 properties on the north bank of the Afon Teifi in The Strand area and will factor in the expected impact of climate change. We have compiled three options that we consider to be feasible, and we have produced outline designs for each of those options. ... More
    Opened 11 November 2022
  • Cynllun Rheoli Perygl Llifogydd Llanwol Aberteifi

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) yn datblygu cynllun rheoli perygl llifogydd i leihau’r perygl o lifogydd llanwol yn ardal Y Strand yn Aberteifi. Nod y cynllun fydd lleihau’r perygl o lifogydd llanwol i tua 90 eiddo ar lan ogleddol afon Teifi yn ardal Y Strand a bydd yn ystyried effaith ddisgwyliedig y newid yn yr hinsawdd. Rydym wedi llunio tri opsiwn yr ydym yn eu hystyried yn ddichonadwy, ac mae gennym ddyluniadau amlinellol ar gyfer pob un o’r opsiynau hynny. Yn yr... More
    Opened 11 November 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Abergele

    Lleoliad Mae Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwigaeth Abergele yn amlinellu’r dulliau at y dyfodol ar gyfer rheoli pum coetir o fewn y bryniau sy’n amgylchynu tref arfordirol Abergele: Coedwig Castell Gwrych, Coed y Geufron, Coed Bron-haul, Coed Tan-y-gaer a Choed Pen-y-gribin. Mae’r coetiroedd yn gorchuddio 122.6 ha i gyd ac maent wedi’u nodweddu gan ardaloedd o goetir llydanddail hynafol wedi’u hadfer yn ogystal ag ardaloedd o goed conwydd sydd wedi’u dosbarthu’n Blanhigfeydd ar... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Abergele Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Alwen Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is responsible for the sustainable management of publicly own woodlands and forests of Wales known as the Welsh Government Woodland Estate. As well as providing a valuable timber resource, they are managed for the benefit and well-being of people and local communities who visit them, as well as people who depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes safeguarding their long-term resilience in relation to the nature and climate emergencies, ... More
    Opened 18 November 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Alwen

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) yn gyfrifol am reoli coetiroedd a choedwigoedd cyhoeddus Cymru, sef Ystad Goetir Llywodraeth Cymru, mewn ffordd gynaliadwy. Mae’r Ystad yn darparu adnoddau pren gwerthfawr a chânt eu rheoli hefyd er budd a llesiant pobl a’r cymunedau lleol sy’n ymweld â nhw, yn ogystal â’r bobl sy’n dibynnu arnynt i wneud bywoliaeth. Mae’r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys sicrhau eu bod yn gydnerth yn y tymor hir, mewn perthynas â’r argyfyngau natur a hinsawdd,... More
    Opened 18 November 2022
  • Mathrafal Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Opened 21 November 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Mathrafal

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'n gynaliadwy yr coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth... More
    Opened 21 November 2022
  • Notice of Application for a Ground Source Heating System at Trefri Hall, Aberdovey

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Fred Grainger has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a ground source heating system at Trefri Hall, Aberdovey. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents using the application reference... More
    Opened 23 November 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer system wresogi gan ddefnyddio gwres y ddaear yn Neuadd Trefri, Aberdyfi

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Fred Grainger wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer system wresogi gan ddefnyddio gwres y ddaear yn Neuadd Trefri, Aberdyfi Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y dogfennau... More
    Opened 23 November 2022
  • Notice of application for Kinmel Bay coastal defence improvements scheme

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 Notice of application for Kinmel Bay coastal defence improvements scheme Notice is hereby given that Conwy County Borough Council, Environment, Roads & Facilities, Mochdre Offices, Conway Road, Mochdre, Conwy, LL28 5AB has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The project... More
    Opened 14 December 2022
622 results. Page 11 of 21