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622 results

  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwneud gwaith atal erydu ar Draphont Rheilffordd St Julians

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwneud gwaith atal erydu ar Draphont Rheilffordd St Julians Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Centregreat Rail Limited wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwneud gwaith atal erydu ar Draphont Rheilffordd St Julians. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 12 January 2022
  • Notice of Application for Penrhyn Bay Coastal Defence And Public Realm Improvements Scheme

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Conwy County Borough Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Penrhyn Bay Coastal Defence and Public Realm Improvements Scheme You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the... More
    Closed 8 February 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais Ar Gyfer Cynllun Gwella Amddiffynfa Arfordirol Bae Penrhyn A Thir Y Cyhoedd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer Cynllun Gwella Amddiffynfa Arfordirol Bae Penrhyn A Thir Y Cyhoedd Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio... More
    Closed 8 February 2022
  • Notice of Application for Carew Mill and Causeway Repairs

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Natural Resources Wales has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Carew Mill and Causeway Repairs. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents using the application reference... More
    Closed 14 February 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais am gwaith atgyweirio Melin a Sarn Caeriw

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwneud atgyweiriadau i felin a sarn Caeriw . Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y dogfennau gan ddefnyddio'r... More
    Closed 14 February 2022
  • Withdrawing standard rules permit SR2010No3 – discharge to surface water: secondary treated domestic sewage with a maximum daily volume of between 5 and 20 cubic metres

    We are consulting about our plans to withdraw and archive standard rules SR2010No3 - discharge to surface water: secondary treated domestic sewage with a maximum daily volume between 5 and 20 cubic metres . 'Withdrawing and archiving' means this will no longer be available for new applicants. Why we need to withdraw SR2010No3 The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) recommended that UK nature conservation organisations adopt tighter targets after considering new... More
    Closed 18 February 2022
  • Tynnu trwydded rheolau safonol SR2010 Rhif 3 yn ôl – gollwng i ddŵr wyneb: carthion domestig eilaidd wedi eu trin gyda chyfanswm dyddiol rhwng 5 a 20 metr ciwbig

    Rydym yn ymgynghori â chi ynghylch ein cynlluniau i dynnu’n ôl ac archifo Trwydded rheolau safonol SR2010 Rhif 3 - gollwng i ddŵr wyneb: carthion domestig eilaidd wedi eu trin gyda chyfanswm dyddiol rhwng 5 a 20 metr ciwbig y dydd . Mae’r term ‘tynnu’n ôl ac archifo’ yn golygu na fydd ar gael mwyach i ymgeiswyr newydd wneud cais ar ei chyfer. Pam mae angen i ni dynnu SR2010 Rhif 3 yn ôl Argymhellodd y Cyd-bwyllgor Cadwraeth Natur (JNCC) y dylai sefydliadau... More
    Closed 18 February 2022
  • Coed Sarnau Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Closed 20 February 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Coed Sarnau

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'r coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd yn gynaliadwy. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth... More
    Closed 20 February 2022
  • Milford Haven Port Authority Maintenance Dredging

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Milford Haven Port Authority Maintenance Dredging Notice is hereby given that Milford Haven Port Authority has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Milford Haven Port Authority Maintenance Dredging You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 23 February 2022
  • Carthu a Chynnal a Chadw Awdurdod Porthladd Aberdaugleddau

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Carthu a Chynnal a Chadw Awdurdod Porthladd Aberdaugleddau Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Awdurdod Porthladd Aberdaugleddau wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer carthu a chynnal a chadw Awdurdod Porthladd Aberdaugleddau. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 23 February 2022
  • Clocaenog Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Closed 25 February 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Clocaenog

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'r coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd yn gynaliadwy. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth Naturiol... More
    Closed 25 February 2022
  • Presteigne Woods Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Closed 27 February 2022
  • Cynllun Adnoddau Coedwig Coetiroedd Llanandras

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gyfrifol am reoli'r coetiroedd a'r coedwigoedd yng Nghymru sy'n eiddo i'r cyhoedd yn gynaliadwy. Fe’u rheolir er budd a llesiant y bobl sy'n ymweld â hwy a'r rheiny sy'n dibynnu arnynt er mwyn gwneud bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a’u gallu i wrthsefyll newid yn yr hinsawdd yn yr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn gallu mwynhau’r buddion a ddarperir ganddynt. Bob deng mlynedd, mae Cyfoeth... More
    Closed 27 February 2022
  • Ymgynghoriad ar ddirymu a thynnu’n ôl 29 o drwyddedau gwastraff rheolau safonol

    Datblygwyd trwyddedau rheolau safonol o dan Reoliadau Trwyddedu Amgylcheddol (Cymru a Lloegr) 2016. Maen nhw’n ein galluogi ni i gynnig trwyddedau safonol sy’n lleihau’r baich gweinyddol ar fusnesau, gan gynnal safonau amgylcheddol yr un pryd. Maen nhw’n seiliedig ar gyfresi o reolau safonol y gallwn ni eu cymhwyso’n eang. Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn cynnig: Dirymu 27 o drwyddedau rheolau safonol Tynnu’n ôl ac archifo dwy drwydded rheolau safonol Rydyn... More
    Closed 3 March 2022
  • Consultation on revoking and withdrawing eight standard rules permits

    Standard rules permits were developed under The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. They allow us to offer standard permits which reduce administrative burden on businesses while maintaining environmental standards. They are based on sets of standard rules that we can apply widely. This consultation is proposing to: revoke twenty-seven standard rules permits withdraw and archive two standard rules permits We use the term 'revoke' when a... More
    Closed 3 March 2022
  • Barmouth viaduct metallic structure refurbishment

    Marine and coastal access act 2009 Part 4: marine licensing Application for a marine licence for barmouth viaduct metallic structure refurbishment Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1, Section 68 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 that Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales, acting on behalf of the Licensing Authority, for a marine licence to refurbish the metal structure of Barmouth Viaduct. You can see the... More
    Closed 11 March 2022
  • Adnewyddu strwythur metelig traphont Abermo

    Deddf y môr a mynediad i’r arfordir 2009 Rhan 4: trwyddedu morol Cais am drwydded forol i adnewyddu strwythur metelig traphont Abermo Hysbysir drwy hyn, yn unol â Rhan 4, Pennod 1, Adran 68, Deddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009, fod Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, sy’n gweithredu ar ran yr Awdurdod trwyddedu, am drwydded forol i adnewyddu strwythur metelig traphont Abermo. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac... More
    Closed 11 March 2022
  • Flood improvement works along the shore at Hirael in Bangor, Gwynedd

    MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 PART 4: MARINE LICENSING Application for a marine licence to carry out flood improvement works along the shore at Hirael in Bangor, Gwynedd Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1, Section 68 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 that Gwynedd Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales, acting on behalf of the Licensing Authority, for a marine licence to carry out Flood Defence Improvement works along the shore at... More
    Closed 21 March 2022
  • Cais am drwydded forol i weithio ar welliannau llifogydd ar hyd y lan yn Hirael ym Mangor, Gwynedd

    DEDDF Y MÔR A MYNEDIAD I’R ARFORDIR 2009 RHAN 4: TRWYDDEDU MOROL Cais am drwydded forol i weithio ar welliannau llifogydd ar hyd y lan yn Hirael ym Mangor, Gwynedd Hysbysir drwy hyn, yn unol â Rhan 4, Pennod 1, Adran 68, Deddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009, fod Cyngor Gwynedd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, sy’n gweithredu ar ran yr Awdurdod trwyddedu, am drwydded forol i weithio ar welliannau i amddiffynfa llifogydd ar hyd y lan yn Hirael ym Mangor,... More
    Closed 21 March 2022
  • Application for a marine licence for Newport effluent line replacement ground investigation works.

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Part 4: Marine Licensing Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1, Section 68 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 that Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering has applied to Natural Resources Wales, acting on behalf of the Licensing Authority, for Newport effluent line replacement ground investigation works. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 28 March 2022
  • Cais am drwydded forol i gynnal gwaith ymchwilio tir ar gyfer adnewyddu pibell elifion Casnewydd

    Deddf y Môr A Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Rhan 4: Trwyddedu Morol Hysbysir drwy hyn, yn unol â Rhan 4, Pennod 1, Adran 68, Deddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009, fod Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, sy’n gweithredu ar ran yr awdurdod trwyddedu , am drwydded forol i gynnal gwaith ymchwilio tir ar gyfer adnewyddu pibell elifion Casnewydd. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 28 March 2022
  • Application for Project Erebus floating offshore wind farm

    MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 MARINE WORKS (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2007 Notice of application for Project Erebus floating offshore wind farm Notice is hereby given that Blue Gem Wind Ltd of Bridge Innovation Centre, Pembrokeshire Science and Technology Park, Pembroke Dock, SA72 6UN, has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The project... More
    Closed 30 March 2022
  • Hysbysiad o gais ar gyfer fferm wynt ar y môr arnofiol Erebus

    DEDDF Y MÔR A MYNEDIAD I’R ARFORDIR 2009 RHEOLIADAU GWAITH MOROL (ASESU EFFEITHIAU AMGYLCHEDDOL) 2007 Hysbysiad o gais ar gyfer fferm wynt ar y môr arnofiol Erebus Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Blue Gem Wind Ltd o Ganolfan Arloesedd y Bont, Parc Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Sir Benfro, Doc Penfro, SA72 6UN, wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (“CNC”) am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae angen caniatâd... More
    Closed 30 March 2022
  • Notice of Application for Geotechnical Survey Works, Morgan and Mona Offshore Wind Farms

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Mona Offshore Wind Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Geotechnical Survey Works, Morgan and Mona Offshore Wind Farms. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents... More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais am Gwaith Arolygu Geodechnegol, Ffermydd Gwynt Alltraeth Morgan a Mona

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Mona Offshore Limited wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwaith arolygu geodechnegol, ffermydd gwynt alltraeth Morgan a Mona. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y dogfennau gan... More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • Notice of Application for Deep Geotechnical Survey, Mona Offshore Wind Farm

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Mona Offshore Wind Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Deep Geotechnical Survey, Mona Offshore Wind Farm. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents using the... More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • Hysbysiad o Gais am Arolwg Geodechnegol Dwfn, Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Mona Offshore Wind Limited wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer arolwg geodechnegol dwfn, fferm wynt alltraeth Mona Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y dogfennau gan... More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • Tintern Wireworks Bridge Refurbishment

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Tintern Wireworks Bridge Refurbishment Notice is hereby given that Gloucester County Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Tintern wireworks bridge refurbishment works. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You... More
    Closed 6 April 2022
622 results. Page 6 of 21