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608 results

  • Sign up to join our Flood Warning User Panel

    We are working to improve the Flood Warning Information Service. We need your help to make the service work for you. You can help shape the future of the service by sharing your views and experiences. Please sign up to join our Flood Warning User Panel. This means you will be given the opportunity to take part in user research. This might be surveys, emailed questions, or conversations with a member of our team. Signing up does not commit you to anything. Anyone can sign up to take... More
    Opened 5 July 2023
  • Cofrestrwch i ymuno â'n Panel Defnyddwyr Rhybuddion Llifogydd

    Rydym yn gweithio i wella'r Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Rhybuddion Llifogydd. Mae angen eich help arnom i wneud i'r gwasanaeth weithio i chi. Gallwch helpu i lywio dyfodol y gwasanaeth drwy rannu eich barn a'ch profiadau. Cofrestrwch i ymuno â'n Panel Defnyddwyr Llifogydd. Mae hyn yn golygu y cewch gyfle i gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil defnyddwyr. Gallai hyn gynnwys arolygon, cwestiynau e-bost, neu sgyrsiau gydag aelod o'n tîm. Nid yw cofrestru yn eich ymrwymo i unrhyw beth. ... More
    Opened 5 July 2023
  • Notice of Application for the Replacement of the Newport Effluent Outfall

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for the Replacement of the Newport Effluent Outfall Notice is hereby given that Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for the replacement of the Newport effluent outfall. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 4 July 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Adnewyddu Gollyngfa Elifion Casnewydd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Adnewyddu Gollyngfa Elifion Casnewydd Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (“CNC”) am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer adnewyddu gollyngfa elifion Casnewydd. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Opened 4 July 2023
  • Exclude access at Trawsfynydd Ranges

    Natural Resources Wales propose to exclude access at Trawsfynydd Ranges for a period of 5 years minus 1 day under section 25(1)(b) of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) to avoid danger to the public from the risk of unexploded ordnance. The Countryside Access (Exclusion or Restriction of Access) (Wales) Regulations 2003 require Natural Resources Wales as a relevant authority to publish a draft direction on a website when it is minded to exclude or restrict... More
    Opened 1 July 2023
  • Bwriadu gwahardd mynediad ym Meysydd Tanio Trawsfynydd

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn bwriadu gwahardd mynediad ym Meysydd Tanio Trawsfynydd am gyfnod o bum mlynedd namyn un diwrnod o dan adran 25(1)(b) o Ddeddf Cefn Gwlad a Hawliau Tramwy 2000 er mwyn osgoi perygl i’r cyhoedd oherwydd y risgiau sy'n deillio o ordnans nad yw wedi ffrwydro. Mae Rheoliadau Mynediad i Gefn Gwlad (Gwahardd neu Gyfyngu ar Fynediad) (Cymru) 2003 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, fel yr awdurdod perthnasol, gyhoeddi cyfarwyddyd drafft ar wefan pan... More
    Opened 1 July 2023
  • Notice of Application for Neyland Outfall Cleaning and Valve Installation

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Neyland Outfall Cleaning and Valve Installation Notice is hereby given that Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for to clear a blockage in a Welsh Water long sea outfall which discharges effluent from a treatment plant. A new valve will also be installed to prevent... More
    Opened 27 June 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais i Lanhau Gollyngfa Neyland a Gosod Falf

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais i Lanhau Gollyngfa Neyland a Gosod Falf Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer cael gwared o rwystr mewn gollyngfa forol hir Dŵr Cymru sy’n gollwng elifion o waith trin dŵr. Bydd falf newydd hefyd yn cael ei gosod i atal rhwystrau yn y... More
    Opened 27 June 2023
  • Sign up for a flood volunteer network event

    We arrange volunteer network events for anyone involved or interested in being in a community flood plan. This is an opportunity to: talk to others who face similiar challenges to learn from each other hear from different organisations involved in flooding and how they work together in Wales work in smaller groups to review a flooding incident speak to representatives from other organisations one-to-one This year, we have events in: ... More
    Opened 26 June 2023
  • Cofrestrwch ar gyfer digwyddiad rhwydwaith gwirfoddolwyr llifogydd

    Rydym yn trefnu digwyddiadau rhwydwaith i wirfoddolwyr ar gyfer unrhyw un sy'n ymwneud â chynllun llifogydd cymunedol neu sydd â diddordeb mewn bod yn rhan o gynllun llifogydd cymunedol. Dyma gyfle i wneud y canlynol: siarad gyda phobl eraill sy'n wynebu heriau tebyg fel y gall pawb ddysgu gan ei gilydd clywed gan wahanol sefydliadau sy'n ymwneud â llifogydd a sut maent yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd yng Nghymru gweithio mewn grwpiau... More
    Opened 26 June 2023
  • National Forest for Wales Status Scheme

    View this page in Welsh The National Forest Status Scheme opened on the 23 June and enables exemplary woodlands to join the National Forest for Wales network. Content Welcome to the National Forest for Wales Status Scheme What support is available? National Forest sites (via the status scheme) to date Useful links Welcome to the National Forest for Wales Status Scheme ... More
    Opened 23 June 2023
  • Wales Funder Priorities

    NRW has recently launched our new corporate scheme and we are now developing our finance portfolio for 2024-2030. As part of developing the portfolio, we have started to do some mapping to understand what other funders are looking to support and how. We are interested in providing grant programmes that directly address the challenges of nature and climate emergencies and understand what the gaps are and ensure that we do not duplicate other available funds. We would... More
    Opened 20 June 2023
  • Blaenoriaethau Cyllidwyr Cymru

    Mae CNC wedi lansio ein cynllun corfforaethol newydd yn ddiweddar ac rydym bellach yn datblygu ein portffolio cyllid ar gyfer 2024-2030. Fel rhan o ddatblygu'r portffolio, rydym wedi dechrau gwneud rhywfaint o fapio i ddeall beth mae cyllidwyr eraill yn edrych i'w gefnogi a sut. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn darparu rhaglenni grant sy'n mynd i'r afael yn uniongyrchol â heriau natur ac argyfyngau hinsawdd, deall beth yw'r bylchau a sicrhau nad ydym yn dyblygu... More
    Opened 20 June 2023
  • Cofrestru ar gyfer Gweminar - Rhaglen Grantiau Dichonoldeb Draenio Cynaliadwy 10 Gorffennaf 2023

    Ffurflen gofrestru ar gyfer Gweminar - Grantiau Dichonoldeb Draenio Cynaliadwy Mae cofrestriad y weminar yn cau ar 9 Gorffennaf 2023 Gweminar awr yw hon i ddarganfod mwy am y rhaglen Grant Dichonoldeb Draenio Cynaliadwy, y meini prawf cymhwysedd a sut i wneud cais. Bydd cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau. Bydd recordiad o'r weminar ar gael. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau am grant yw 25 Medi 2023 More
    Opened 19 June 2023
  • Registration for Webinar - Sustainable Drainage Feasibility Grants Programme 10 July 2023

    Registration form for Webinar - Sustainable Drainage Feasibility Grants The Webinar registration closes on 9 July 2023 This is an hour long webinar to find out more about the Sustainable Drainage Feasibility Grant programme, the eligibility criteria and how to apply. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. A recording of the webinar will be made available. T he deadline for Grant applications is 25 September 2023 More
    Opened 19 June 2023
  • Notice of Application for Penrhyndeudraeth outfall pipe repairs

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Penrhyndeudraeth outfall pipe repairs. Notice is hereby given that Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is to carry out pipe repairs on an outfall pipe in Penrhyndeudraeth Waste Water Treatment Works. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 16 June 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwneud atgyweiriadau i bibell ollwng Penrhyndeudraeth

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer gwneud atgyweiriadau i bibell ollwng Penrhyndeudraeth Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (“CNC”) am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer gwneud atgyweiriadau i bibell ollwng yng Ngwaith Trin Dŵr Gwastraff Penrhyndeudraeth. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac... More
    Opened 16 June 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais am Cemex Raynes Quarry

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais am CML2329 Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cemex Raynes Quarry wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer deck repairs to Cemex Jetty at Raynes Quarry. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n . Gallwch chwilio am y dogfennau gan ddefnyddio'r... More
    Opened 9 June 2023
  • Notice of Application for Cemex Raynes Quarry

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for CML2329 Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1, Section 68 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 that Cemex Raynes Quarry has applied to Natural Resources Wales, acting on behalf of the Licensing Authority, for a marine licence for deck repairs to Cemex Jetty at Raynes Quarry. You can see the application documents free of charge from our online public register; ... More
    Opened 9 June 2023
  • Minded to Issue North Powys Bulking Facility PAN 018305

    Powys County Council has applied for a new bespoke environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, to operate a new facility for the bulking of non-hazardous material from kerbside collections. They propose to accept and process up to 22,500 tonnes per year of non-hazardous waste, with a maximum of 425 tonnes on site at any one time prior to being transferred offsite for further recovery or disposal. A previous application... More
    Opened 2 June 2023
  • Bwriadu Dyroddi Cyfleuster Gogledd Powys PAN 018305

    Mae Cyngor Sir Powys wedi gwneud cais am drwydded amgylcheddol bwrpasol newydd o dan Reoliadau Trwyddedu Amgylcheddol (Cymru a Lloegr) 2016, i weithredu cyfleuster newydd ar gyfer swmpio deunydd nad yw'n beryglus o gasgliadau wrth ymyl y ffordd. Maent yn cynnig derbyn a phrosesu hyd at 22,500 tunnell y flwyddyn o wastraff nad yw'n beryglus, gydag uchafswm o 425 tunnell ar y safle ar unrhyw un adeg cyn cael ei drosglwyddo oddi ar y safle i gael ei brosesu neu waredu ymhellach. ... More
    Opened 2 June 2023
  • Notice of Application for Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Geotechnical Investigation

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Geotechnical Investigation Notice is hereby given that Awel y Môr Offshore Windfarm Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for geotechnical investigation to characterise the site area for the proposed Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm. You can see the application... More
    Opened 26 May 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais i gynnal Archwiliad Geodechnegol o Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Awel y Môr

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais i gynnal Archwiliad Geodechnegol o Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Awel y Môr Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Awel y Môr Offshore Windfarm Ltd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais i gynnal archwiliad geodechnegol i nodweddu ardal y safle ar gyfer y Fferm Wynt Alltraeth arfaethedig yn Awel y Môr. Gallwch weld y dogfennau... More
    Opened 26 May 2023

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 CAIS AM DRWYDDED FOROL I GARTHU A GWAREDU - MARINA DEGANWY Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Lakleand Leisure Estates Ltd. wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer am drwydded forol i wneud gwaith carthu a gwaredu deunydd ym Marina Deganwy. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Opened 25 May 2023
  • Notice of Application for a Marine Licence for Deganwy Marina Maintenance Dredge and Disposal

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for a Marine Licence for Deganwy Marina Maintenance Dredge and Disposal Notice is hereby given that Lakeland Leisure Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a marine licence for Deganwy Marina Maintenance Dredge and Disposal. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 25 May 2023
  • Welsh language training

    The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. We would really appreciate some feedback regarding Welsh language training. From this questionnaire, we would like to gather information on how you are using your Welsh language skills, and whether we can do more to help you. Please try to give us as much information as possible. This should take around 5 minutes to complete. Thank you very much for your time to complete this. More
    Opened 22 May 2023
  • Hyfforddiant Iaith Cymraeg

    Bydd yr arolwg yn cymryd tua 5 munud i'w gwblhau. Byddem wir yn gwerthfawrogi rhywfaint o adborth ynghylch hyfforddiant Cymraeg. O'r holiadur hwn, hoffem gasglu gwybodaeth am sut rydych yn defnyddio eich sgiliau Cymraeg, ac a allwn wneud mwy i'ch helpu. Ceisiwch roi cymaint o wybodaeth â phosibl i ni. Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich amser i gwblhau hyn. More
    Opened 22 May 2023
  • Notice of Application for Mona Offshore Wind Farm Suction Bucket Foundation Trials

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Mona Offshore Wind Farm Suction Bucket Foundation Trials Notice is hereby given that Mona Offshore Wind Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is to carry out suction bucket foundation trials for Mona Offshore Wind Farm. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 18 May 2023
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Treialon ar gyfer Sylfeini Bwced Sugno Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer Treialon ar gyfer Sylfeini Bwced Sugno Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Mona Offshore Wind Limited wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (“CNC”) am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer cynnal treialon ar gyfer sylfeini bwced sugno Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim,... More
    Opened 18 May 2023
  • Notice of Application for Emergency Overflow pipe repairs on behalf of Welsh Water at Llanbedrog.

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Emergency Overflow pipe repairs on behalf of Welsh Water at Llanbedrog Notice is hereby given that Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Emergency Overflow pipe repairs on behalf of Welsh Water at Llanbedrog. You can see the application documents free of charge,... More
    Opened 15 May 2023
608 results. Page 7 of 21