Closed Consultations

236 results


    MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 MARINE WORKS (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2007 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE DREDGE AND EXTRACT FROM BEDWYN SANDS AND NORTH MIDDLE GROUND Notice is hereby given that Breedon Trading Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The project requires EIA consent and is subject to the requirement for an environmental impact... More
    Opened 25 January 2024
  • Notice of Application for Afon Wen Sheet Pile Repairs

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Afon Wen Sheet Pile Repairs Notice is hereby given that MPH Construction has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Afon Wen Sheet Pile Repairs. You can see the application documents free of charge, from . You can search for the documents using the... More
    Opened 24 January 2024
  • Harlech Forest Resource Plan

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management... More
    Opened 15 January 2024
  • Nant Morlais River Restoration Survey

    We invite you to share your thoughts and perceptions of the Nant Morlais catchment in this online survey. We welcome your ideas on how we can support community resilience through a healthier environment, reduced risk of flooding and drought and a more pleasant and green space. The Nant Morlais The Nant Morlais is a tributary of the River Taff. It flows for approximately 9km from Merthyr Common, through Merthyr Tydfil town centre and into the Taff opposite Merthyr Tydfil Fire... More
    Opened 5 January 2024
  • Our Strategic Equality Objectives 2024 - 2028

    View this consultation in Welsh . The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires listed bodies such as ourselves to review their existing equality objectives at least every four years. Equality Objectives are goals that organisations set and are required to be published our next revised objectives and the steps we intend to take to meet them by 1 April 2024. The aim of the objectives are to ensure that public organisations consider how we can positively... More
    Opened 15 December 2023
  • Cynlluniau Newydd ar Gyfer Gogledd Dyffryn Gwy (Wye Valley North)

    Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am reolaeth gynaliadwy ar goetiroedd a choedwigoedd Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus. Fe'u rheolir er budd a lles y bobl sy'n ymweld â nhw ac sy’n dibynnu arnynt am eu bywoliaeth. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn cynnwys gwella eu bioamrywiaeth a'u gwytnwch tymor hir yn wyneb y newid yn yr hinsawdd fel y bydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol hefyd yn gallu mwynhau'r buddion y maen nhw’n eu darparu. Bob deng mlynedd mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn adolygu'r cynlluniau... More
    Opened 20 November 2023
  • Wye Valley North Forest Resource Plan Consultation

    Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term... More
    Opened 20 November 2023
  • Announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement: Fiddler’s Elbow Gauging Station and Weir Structure

    Regulation 12B of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) (Amendment Regulations) 2017/585 Natural Resources Wales gives notice that it proposes to carry out improvement works to Fiddler’s Elbow Gauging Station and Weir Structure on the River Taff, Merthyr Tydfil, NGR - ST 08914 95158. The proposed improvement works will involve maintenance works to the gauging station, patch repairs to the weir structure, installation of access steps to the river... More
    Opened 16 November 2023
  • Notice of Application for a Marine Licence for Tenby Harbour Maintenance Dredging

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for a Marine Licence for Tenby Harbour Maintenance Dredging Notice is hereby given that Pembrokeshire County Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a Marine Licence for Tenby Harbour Maintenance Dredging. You can see the application documents free of charge,... More
    Opened 1 November 2023
  • Extra Sessions: The Control of Agriculture Pollution Regulations / Sesiynau ychwanegol: Rheoliadau Rheoli Llygredd Amaethyddiaeth

    This is not an NRW organised event, it will be run and delivered by ADAS consultants On the 13th of November and the 1st of December 2023 Farm Consultants from ADAS will be providing training workshops to help farmers comply with some of the requirements of the Control of Agriculture Pollution Regulations that apply in Wales. Attendance at the events is free however spaces are limited. Both dates involve the same training, please only register for one. Across the course of... More
    Opened 17 October 2023
  • Ymgynghoriad ar ein ffioedd a thaliadau rheoleiddio ar gyfer 2024/25

    Rydym yn ymgynghori ar ein cynigion i ddiweddaru'r taliadau ar gyfer rhai o'n trwyddedau, hawlenni a gweithgareddau cydymffurfio. Gallwch ddod o hyd i'r cynigion codi tâl llawn isod. Darllenwch hwn cyn bwrw ymlaen â'r cwestiynau. Mae cwestiynau ein hymgynghoriad yn gofyn i chi am eich barn ar ein cynigion. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r adborth i lywio ein cynigion terfynol, yr ydym yn bwriadu eu gweithredu o Ebrill 2024, yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth... More
    Opened 16 October 2023
  • Consultation on our regulatory fees and charges for 2024/2025

    We are consulting on our proposals to to update the charges for some of our permits, licences and compliance activities. You can find the full charging proposals below. Please read this before proceeding with the questions. Our consultation questions ask you for your views on our proposals. We will use the feedback to inform our final proposals, which we intend to implement from April 2024, subject to Welsh Government approval. ... More
    Opened 16 October 2023
  • REGISTRATION for free Webinars 27/10/23 - Peatlands Development Grant - Guidance

    Registration form for Webinar on 27/10/2023 - Peatlands Development Grant. The window for Webinar registration closes 26/10/2023. T he window for Grant applications is open from the 13th of October 2023, closing on the 15th of January 2024 . More
    Opened 13 October 2023
  • North East Wales National Park Designation Project - Engagement Period 2023

    The engagement period will run from Monday 9 October until 23:59 on Monday 27 November 2023. For more information on the in-person or online engagement events, please visit the project information page . Materials to support the engagement events and completing your feedback questionnaire are attached below. Your views and feedback are important and will help shape the assessment process. Thank you. More
    Opened 9 October 2023
  • Notice of Application for TRENCHLESS CROSSING OF THE RIVER DEE

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 Notice of Application for TRENCHLESS CROSSING OF THE RIVER DEE Notice is hereby given that Liverpool Bay CCS Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The project requires EIA consent and is subject to the requirement for an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) under the... More
    Opened 6 October 2023
  • Notice of Application for the disposal of Dredged Material from Cardiff Bay Locks, Outer Harbour and approaches at sea

    Marine And Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice is hereby given that Cardiff Harbour Authority has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for the disposal of dredged material from Cardiff bay locks, outer harbour and approaches at sea. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 28 September 2023
  • Briers Grove – gweithrediadau teneuo

    I weld y dudalen yn Saesneg, cliciwch yma. Pa waith sy'n digwydd? Mae gwaith teneuo coedwigoedd i fod i ddechrau cyn hir yn rhannau deheuol coetir Briers Grove i deneuo'r cedrwydd coch o fewn y goedwig. Mae yna hefyd nifer o goed ynn ar hyd y llwybr troed ar ochr ddwyreiniol y coetir sydd angen eu gwaredu gan eu bod yn peri risg i ddiogelwch ymwelwyr. Mae disgwyl i’r gwaith gael ei gwblhau erbyn 6 Pam rydyn ni'n... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • Dwyrain Coed Gwent – teneuo

    I weld y dudalen yn Saesneg, cliciwch yma. Pa waith fydd yn digwydd? Mae gweithrediadau teneuo coedwigoedd i fod i ddechrau cyn hir. Mae'r coetir wedi'i ddynodi'n Blanhigfa ar Safle Coetir Hynafol (PAWS). Amcan y gweithrediad yw adfer y coetir yn ôl yn goetir hynafol. Bydd teneuo'r coed conwydd o fewn y coetir yn creu lle a chynyddu lefelau golau i hyrwyddo aildyfiant naturiol yn yr isdyfiant. Pam rydyn ni'n... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • The Darren woodland - larch felling operations

    To view the page in Welsh, please click here. What work is taking place? In the next few months felling operations in the Darren Woodland will commence, to remove larch trees which are infected with Phytophora ramorum (more commonly known as larch disease) Approximately 11 hectares of larch will need to be removed and the work will take approximately 6 month months. What is larch disease? Larch disease, or Phytophthora... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • Yr Graig – forest operations

    To view the page in Welsh please click here What work is taking place? Tree felling operations in Yr Graig woodland will begin in September, to remove areas of larch trees as a part of our larch reduction policy to combat the spread of larch disease. Areas of mature trees will also be felled and thinned in line with the Forest Resource Plan. Thinning operations will also take place in the northern area of the woodland, to help increase light penetration... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • Fedw wood – larch felling operations

    To view the page in Welsh, please click here. What work is taking place? Felling operations in Fedw wood will begin in September to remove approximately 4500 larch trees which are infected with Phytophora ramorum (more commonly known as larch disease) Approximately 16 hectares of larch will need to be removed and the work will take approximately 9 months. What is larch disease? Larch disease, or Phytophthora ramorum, is a... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • Briers Grove – Thinning operations

    To view the page in Welsh, please click here. What work is taking place? Forest thinning operations are due to begin shortly in the south of Briers Grove woodland to thin the Red Cedar within the wood. There are also number of ash trees along the footpath on the east side of the woodland that need to be removed as they pose a risk to visitor’s safety. The work is expected to be completed in approximatley 6 months. ... More
    Opened 14 September 2023
  • Wentwood East – Thinning

    To view the page in Welsh, please click here. What work will take place? Forest thinning operations are due to begin shortly. The woodland is designated as a Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS). The objective of the operation is to restore the woodland back to ancient woodland. The thinning of the conifer trees within the woodland will create space and increasing light levels to promote natural regeneration in the... More
    Opened 14 September 2023

    Public notice marine and coastal access act 2009 marine works (environmental impact assessment) regulations 2007 application for construction and dredge works associated with the Mostyn Energy Park extension project Notice is hereby given that The Port of Mostyn Limited, Coast Road, Mostyn, Flintshire has furnished Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) with further information in relation to the above application pursuant to regulation 14 of the Marine Works (Environmental Impact... More
    Opened 11 September 2023
  • Notice of Application for Glan Y Mor Public Right of Way (PRoW) Footbridge Maintenance and Erosion Control

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Glan Y Mor Public Right of Way (PRoW) Footbridge Maintenance and Erosion Control. Notice is hereby given that Ceredigion County Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Glan Y Mor Public Right of Way (PRoW) Footbridge Maintenance and Erosion Control. You can see the application documents... More
    Opened 6 September 2023
  • Workshop: The Control of Agriculture Pollution Regulations / Gweithdy: Rheoliadau Rheoli Llygredd Amaethyddiaeth

    This is not an NRW organised event, it will be run and delivered by ADAS consultants On the 20th of October 2023 Farm Consultants from ADAS will be providing a training workshop to help farmers comply with some of the requirements of the Control of Agriculture Pollution Regulations that apply in Wales. Attendance at the event is free however spaces are limited. Across the course of a 3 hour session attendees will be assisted to fill out the Welsh Government... More
    Opened 31 August 2023
  • Notice of Application for tidal valve clearance and deposit at RAF Valley - Anglesey airport

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for tidal valve clearance and deposit at RAF Valley - Anglesey airport Notice is hereby given that Ancala Water Services (Estates) Ltd has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for tidal valve clearance and deposit at RAF Valley - Anglesey airport You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 23 August 2023
  • Consultation on our Proposed Installations Banding Tool

    As a Welsh Government body, NRW must comply with requirements set out in ‘ Managing Welsh Public Money ’. This requires that we fully recover the costs of the regulatory services we provide from those who use them, rather than having those services funded through general taxation. Between October 2022 and January 2023 we consulted on new application charges for a number of regimes, including installations. We made these changes because our... More
    Opened 21 August 2023
  • Notice of Application for Barmouth Viaduct Gardens

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Barmouth Viaduct Gardens Notice is hereby given that Gwynedd Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Repair to section of sea wall and installation of flood gate and new drainage system. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 10 August 2023
  • Notice of Application for a High-Pressure Gas diversion under the River Towy

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for a High-Pressure Gas diversion under the River Towy. Notice is hereby given that Wales & West Utilities has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for a high-pressure gas diversion under the River Towy. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Opened 9 August 2023
236 results. Page 1 of 8