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608 results


    Mae CNC a Coed Lleol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i gynyddu’r nifer sy’n manteisio ar bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol sy’n seiliedig ar natur, trwy ddatblygu rhywfaint o gynnwys fideo a dysgu cryno. More
    Closed 27 May 2024
  • Notice of Application for Pre-Consents Geotechnical Surveys in the Celtic Sea

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Pre-Consents Geotechnical Surveys in the Celtic Sea Notice is hereby given that The Crown Estate has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Pre-Consents Geotechnical Surveys in the Celtic Sea. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer cynnal Arolygon Geodechnegol Cyn-caniatâd yn y Môr Celtaidd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais ar gyfer cynnal Arolygon Geodechnegol Cyn-caniatâd yn y Môr Celtaidd Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Ystad y Goron wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer cynnal Arolygon Geodechnegol Cyn-caniatâd yn y Môr Celtaidd. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Notice of Application for Hynet Carbon Dioxide Transportation and Storage Project - Offshore

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 Notice of Application for Hynet Carbon Dioxide Transportation and Storage Project - Offshore Notice is hereby given that Liverpool Bay CCS Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The project requires EIA consent and is subject to the requirement for an environmental impact... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Hysbysiad O Gais Ar Gyfer Prosiect Cludo A Storio Carbon Deuocsid Hynet – Ar Y Môr

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Rheoliadau Gwaith Morol (Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol) 2007 Hysbysiad o Gais ar Gyfer Prosiect Cludo A Storio Carbon Deuocsid Hynet – Ar Y Môr Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Liverpool Bay CCS Limited wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae angen caniatâd asesu effeithiau amgylcheddol ar y prosiect ac... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Llandinam Gravels River Restoration Project

    Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is working on a project to restore important habitat along a stretch of the River Severn in the village of Llandinam. The area, known as Llandinam Gravels, is a nature reserve. The shallow gravels provide great habitat for invertebrates to thrive, for wading birds to feed and for migratory fish such as salmon to spawn. But historic human intervention, such as straightening the river channel and gravel removal, has altered the... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Prosiect Adfer Afon Graean Llandinam

    Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn gweithio ar brosiect i adfer cynefin pwysig ar hyd rhan o Afon Hafren ym mhentref Llandinam. Mae'r ardal, a gaiff ei hadnabod fel Graean Llandinam, yn warchodfa natur. Mae'r graean bas yn gynefin gwych i infertebratau ffynnu, i adar hirgoes fwydo ac i bysgod mudol fel eog silio. Ond mae ymyrraeth ddynol hanesyddol, fel sythu sianel yr afon a symud graean, wedi newid prosesau naturiol yr afon. Mae hyn yn dirywio cynefin y warchodfa... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Ymgynghoriad ar Adroddiad Cwmpasu Arfarniad o Gynaliadwyedd Cynllun Rheoli Dŵr Dyffryn Hafren

    Rydym yn ymgynghori ynghylch Adroddiad Cwmpasu’r Arfarniad o Gynaliadwyedd a Dogfen Weledigaeth Cynllun Rheoli Dŵr Dyffryn Hafren (SVWMS). Rydym hefyd wedi cynnwys map stori yn ein dogfennau i ychwanegu rhagor o wybodaeth. Mae'r ymgynghoriad hwn yn cael ei gynnal gan y SVWMS. Mae partneriaid y cynllun yn cynnwys Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC), Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd (EA), Cyngor Sir Powys a Chyngor Sir Amwythig. Gweler isod yn yr adran 'Dogfennau... More
    Closed 21 May 2024
  • Severn Valley Water Management Scheme Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Consultation

    We are consulting on the Severn Valley Water Management Scheme’s (SVWMS) Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and Vision Document. We have also included a story map in our documents to add further information. This consultation is being held by the SVWMS. The partners of the scheme include Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Environment Agency (EA), Powys County Council and Shropshire County Council See below in the 'Related Documents' section for the Sustainability Appraisal... More
    Closed 21 May 2024
  • Upper Wye Catchment Restoration Project

    The Upper Wye Catchment Restoration Project is an NRW project funded by Welsh Government to restore the health of the upper reaches of the River Wye. The Wye is one of the UK’s most special rivers, which is reflected by its designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). It is home to several important species including Atlantic salmon, otter, shad, white clawed crayfish and the plant, water crowfoot. ... More
    Opened 20 May 2024
  • Prosiect Adfer Dalgylch Gwy Uchaf

    Mae Prosiect Adfer Dalgylch Gwy Uchaf yn prosiect CNC, wedi’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, i adfer cyflwr rhan uchaf afon Gwy. Mae afon Gwy yn un o afonydd mwyaf arbennig y DU, ac mae hynny wedi’i adlewyrchu yn y ffaith ei bod wedi’i dynodi’n Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig (ACA) ac yn Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig (SoDdGA). Mae’n gartref i nifer o rywogaethau pwysig, gan gynnwys eogiaid, dyfrgwn, gwangod a herlod, cimychiaid yr afon, yn ogystal â’r planhigyn... More
    Opened 20 May 2024
  • Application for Construction and Dredge Works Associated with The Mostyn Energy Park Extension Project

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 Application for Construction and Dredge Works Associated with The Mostyn Energy Park Extension Project Notice is hereby given that The Port of Mostyn Limited, Coast Road, Mostyn, Flintshire has furnished Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) with further information in relation to the above application pursuant to regulation 14 of the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment)... More
    Closed 20 May 2024

    Hysbysiad Cyhoeddus Deddf Y Môr A Mynediad I'r Arfordir 2009 Rheoliadau Gwaith Morol (Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol) 2007 Hysbysiad O Gais Am Waith Adeiladu A Charthu Cysylltiedig  Phrosiect Estyniad Parc Ynni Mostyn Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Porthladd Mostyn Cyf, Ffordd yr Arfordir, Mostyn, Sir y Fflint wedi rhoi mwy o wybodaeth i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru mewn perthynas â'r cais uchod yn unol â Rheoliad 14 Rheoliadau Gwaith Morol (Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol) 2007 (‘y... More
    Closed 20 May 2024
  • Information on forestry operations in the Wylie woodlands

    Click here to view this page in Welsh We’re pleased to say that a new contractor has now been appointed for felling operations in the Wylie woodland in the Sirhowyi valley, and work is due to begin imminently. Towards the end of May, the timber stacks that have already been felled at roadside will be picked up and transported to a timber mill. Felling work to remove the remaining 38 ha of larch trees that are infected with phytophthora ramorum (more... More
    Opened 10 May 2024
  • Information on forestry operations in Westend and Llanbradach woodlands, Caerphilly

    Click here to view this page in Welsh Westend (please scroll down for information on Llanbradach) Felling operations are being carried out within this woodland to remove larch trees that are infected with Phytophthora ramorum. In February, our contractors began work in the northern area (marked on the map below) and are working their way south. The work has currently been paused due to nesting birds and will resume at the end of bird breeding... More
    Opened 10 May 2024
  • Gwybodaeth am weithrediadau coedwigaeth yng nghoetiroedd West End a Llanbradach, Caerffili

    Gweld y dudalen hon yn Saesneg West End (sgroliwch i lawr am wybodaeth am Lanbradach) Mae gwaith cwympo coed yn cael ei wneud yn y coetir hwn i gael gwared ar goed llarwydd sydd wedi'u heintio â Phytophthora ramorum. Ym mis Chwefror, dechreuodd ein contractwyr weithio yn yr ardal ogleddol (a nodir ar y map isod) ac maen nhw’n gweithio eu ffordd tua'r de. Mae oedi wedi bod yn y gwaith ar hyn o bryd oherwydd adar yn nythu a bydd yn ailddechrau... More
    Opened 10 May 2024
  • Gwybodaeth am weithrediadau coedwigaeth yng nghoedwigoedd Wylie

    Gweld y dudalen hon yn Saesneg Rydym yn falch o ddweud bod contractwr newydd bellach wedi'i benodi ar gyfer gwaith cwympo coed yng nghoetir Wylie yn nyffryn Sirhywi, ac mae disgwyl i'r gwaith ddechrau yn fuan. Tua diwedd mis Mai, bydd y pentyrrau pren sydd eisoes wedi'u cwympo wrth ochr y ffordd yn cael eu codi a'u cludo i felin bren. Bydd gwaith cwympo coed i gael gwared ar y 38 hectar sy'n weddill o goed llarwydd sydd wedi’u heintio â Phytophthora... More
    Opened 10 May 2024
  • Notice of Application for the replacement of the existing retaining wall near the Newport transporter bridge.

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 - Notice of Application for the replacement of the existing retaining wall near the Newport transporter bridge. Notice is hereby given that Newport City Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for the replacement of the existing retaining wall near the Newport transporter bridge. ... More
    Closed 26 April 2024
  • Hysbysiad o Gais i newid y wal gynnal bresennol ger pont gludo Casnewydd

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 - Hysbysiad o Gais i newid y wal gynnal bresennol ger pont gludo Casnewydd Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer newid y wal gynnal bresennol ger pont gludo Casnewydd . Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim,... More
    Closed 26 April 2024
  • Natur am Byth! Adfer Rhywogaethau dan fygythiad yng Nghymru

    I ddarllen y dudalen yn Saesneg/ Click for English Partneriaeth Natur am Byth yw rhaglen flaenllaw Cymru ar gyfer Adfer Rhywogaethau. Mae'n dod â naw o elusennau a sefydliadau amgylcheddol a Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) ynghyd i gyflwyno rhaglen treftadaeth naturiol ac allgymorth fwyaf y wlad i achub nifer o rywogaethau rhag diflannu ac i ailgysylltu pobl â natur. Dyma’r deg partner craidd: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (arweinydd) ... More
    Opened 23 April 2024
  • Water company drought plan technical guidance update (2024)

    Water companies in England and Wales are required to prepare and maintain drought plans under the Water Industry Act 1991, as amended by the Water Act 2003. A drought plan sets out how water companies will supply water to their customers during periods of low rainfall when water supply becomes depleted, whilst minimising any negative impacts of their actions during a drought. It should set out the short-term operational steps they will take before, during and after a drought. ... More
    Closed 22 April 2024
  • Announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement: Merthyr Weir

    Regulation 12B of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) (Amendment Regulations) 2017/585 Natural Resources Wales gives notice that it proposes to carry out improvement works to Merthyr Weir on the River Taff, Merthyr Tydfil, NGR - SO 04310 06798. The proposed improvement works will involve patch repairs to the weir structure, installation of access steps to the river channel and installation of fish pass on the weir face. Natural Resources Wales... More
    Closed 19 April 2024
  • Hysbysiad o fwriad i beidio â pharatoi datganiad amgylcheddol - Merthyr Weir

    Rheoliad 12B Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol (Gwaith Gwella Draenio Tir) (Rheoliadau Diwygio) 2017/585 Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn hysbysu ei fod yn bwriadu gwneud gwaith i wella Cored Merthyr ar Afon Taf, Merthyr Tudful, NGR - SO 04310 06798. Bydd y gwaith gwella arfaethedig yn cynnwys atgyweirio darnau o strwythur y gored, gosod grisiau mynediad at sianel yr afon a gosod ysgol bysgod ar wyneb y gored. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ystyried nad yw’r gwaith gwella yn debygol... More
    Closed 19 April 2024
  • Notice of Application for the replacement of a sea wall and remedial works to a concrete slipway

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for the replacement of a sea wall and remedial works to a concrete slipway Notice is hereby given that Mr Christopher Blackham has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for the replacement of a sea wall and remedial works to a concrete slipway. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 17 April 2024
  • Hysbysiad o Gais am i ailosod morglawdd a gwneud gwaith adfer ar lithrfa goncrit

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o Gais am i ailosod morglawdd a gwneud gwaith adfer ar lithrfa goncrit Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Mr Christopher Blackham wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais ar gyfer i ailosod morglawdd a gwneud gwaith adfer ar lithrfa goncrit. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 17 April 2024
  • Notice of Application for Pembroke Power Station Grab Sampling

    Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Notice of Application for Pembroke Power Station Grab Sampling Notice is hereby given that RWE Generation UK plc has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for Pembroke Power Station Grab Sampling. You can see the application documents free of charge, from ... More
    Closed 4 April 2024
  • Hysbysiad o gais i gynnal brosiect o Gipsamplu o amgylch Pwerdy Penfro

    Deddf Y Môr a Mynediad I’r Arfordir 2009 Hysbysiad o gais i gynnal brosiect o Gipsamplu o amgylch Pwerdy Penfro Hysbysir drwy hyn fod RWE Generation UK plc wedi cyflwyno cais i Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am drwydded forol i gynnal gweithgaredd a reoleiddir o dan Ddeddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009. Mae'r cais i gynnal brosiect o Gipsamplu o amgylch Pwerdy Penfro. Gallwch weld y dogfennau cais yn rhad ac am ddim, o'n ... More
    Closed 4 April 2024
  • Ymwybyddiaeth Llifogydd gyda PentrePeryglon 2024

    Mae i’r cwis wyth cwestiwn fydd yn profi eich gwybodaeth a'ch dealltwriaeth o lifogydd. Dysgwch am lifogydd, beth allwch chi ei wneud i baratoi, a beth ddylech chi ei wneud os bydd llifogydd yn digwydd yn eich ardal leol. More
    Opened 1 April 2024
  • Flood Awareness with DangerPoint 2024

    The quiz has eight questions to test your knowledge and understanding of flooding. Learn about flooding, what you can do to prepare, and what you should do if flooding happens in your locality. More
    Opened 1 April 2024
  • Ymwybyddiaeth Llifogydd gyda ScoutsCymru 2024

    Mae i’r cwis wyth cwestiwn fydd yn profi eich gwybodaeth a'ch dealltwriaeth o lifogydd. Dysgwch am lifogydd, beth allwch chi ei wneud i baratoi, a beth ddylech chi ei wneud os bydd llifogydd yn digwydd yn eich ardal leol. More
    Opened 1 April 2024
608 results. Page 2 of 21