Consultation on updated Fire Prevention and Mitigation Plan (FPMP) Guidance
This guidance has been compiled by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in collaboration with the Fire & Rescue Services in Wales (South Wales Fire & Rescue Service, Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service and North Wales Fire & Rescue Service).
It represents the minimum appropriate measures required to be put in place by waste operators to ensure that on site fires are prevented. This guidance will be used by Natural Resources Wales and the Fire and Rescue Services in Wales to assess the suitability and appropriateness of fire prevention and mitigation measures at permitted waste facilities.
Our guidance is based on the Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum (WISH) - Reducing fire risk at waste management sites guidance.
Who this will be of interest to
We think this consultation will be of particular interest to:
- Operators
- Trade associations
- Businesses
This is your opportunity to ensure the guidance works for you and your industry.
Responses are also welcome from other regulators, the public, community groups and non-governmental organisations with an interest in human health and environmental issues.
Why are we doing this?
Accessibility requirements mean that the current format of our guidance has to be changed. We have reviewed and updated it at the same time. Our current guidance: Fire Prevention & Mitigation Plan Guidance – Waste Management Guidance Note 16 (GN 016), will be superseded by this guidance, which will be published as a web page on NRW’s website.
What we are doing
The format and appearance of the guidance has significantly changed, and additional guidance has been added to reflect changes in the industry since the last review.
The section on water supplies has been expanded to include more detail on the use of hydrants and water tanks and to include the use of wetting agent or foam. Sections on lithium-ion batteries and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) have also been added.
All additions and changes to the guidance are highlighted in the draft document.
Amendments made:
- The storage times section has been updated to remove fines and processed tyres from the list of materials that are at risk of self-combustion if stored for more than three months. This is in line with the maximum storage times stated for these types of waste, which is less than three months.
- The storage in containers section has been amended to remove the 1,100 capacity limit and say that shipping containers should not be stacked.
The current graphs illustrating separation distance, taken from the WISH guidance, will be replaced by a tool that will calculate the required distances. The tool will be available once the guidance has been published on our website. The graphs and diagrams previously included in GN 016, continue to be available from the WISH guidance.
The consultation draft is only available in English but once published on our website, the guidance will be available in English and Welsh.
Why your views matter
This consultation is your opportunity to comment on our updated guidance. We particularly want your feedback on the questions found from the Give us your views link.
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