Announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement: Llanfair Talhaiarn Weir Removal Works

Closed 16 Jun 2024

Opened 17 May 2024


Regulation 12B of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) SI1999/1783 as amended

Llanfair Talhaiarn Weir Removal Works

Natural Resources Wales gives notice that it proposes to carry out improvement works to the Afon Elwy at Llanfair Talhaiarn, Conwy LL22 8YU, NGR 93055 70474.

The proposed works will involve the following: removal of the existing weir, localised bank stabilisation works and erosion mitigation measures. The works are are part of our Salmon for Tomorrow Progrmame and once complete will allow the river to return to its natural state, enabling fish access to 20km of high-quality spawning habitat upstream.

Natural Resources Wales considers that the improvement works are not likely to have significant effects on the environment and does not intend to prepare an environmental statement in respect of them. An Environmental Action Plan (EAP) has been produced for this site, summarising actions required to implement the environmental mitigation, and is available upon request from the contact details below.


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