Newbridge Energy Limited Environmental Permit Draft Decision

Closed 3 May 2022

Opened 31 Mar 2022


We are minded to issue the variation. We will only issue the variation if we believe that significant pollution will not be caused and the operator has the ability to meet the conditions of the permit. Any permit we grant will include appropriate conditions to protect human health and the environment.

Application number: PAN-005141/V002

Regulated facility type: Schedule 1, Part 2, Chapter 5, Section 5.1 Part B (a)(v) The incineration in a small waste incineration plant with an aggregate capacity of 50 kg or more per hour of the following waste – wood waste with the exception of wood waste which may contain halogenated organic compounds or heavy metals as a result of treatment with wood preservatives or coatings, Schedule 25A: Medium Combustion Plant and Schedule 25B: Specified Generator

Regulated facility location: Blazers Fuels, Brickfield Lane, Denbigh Road, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 2TN

Newbridge Energy Limited submitted a substantial variation to add one new 5.2 MW thermal input combined heat and power biomass boiler fuelled on virgin wood to their existing permit. The Operator is currently permitted to operate one 5.2 MW thermal input combined heat and power biomass boiler fuelled on virgin wood and waste wood. The regulated facility consists of the incineration/combustion process itself and the immediate storage of bottom ash. The regulated facility does not include:

  • Storage, handling and/or pre-treatment of waste wood
  • Any downstream post-treatment of bottom ash

For more information on our consultation process, including our legal remit, please see our Public Participation Statement. To view the associated application documents, draft permit and draft decision document please see our On-line Public Register.


  • Denbigh Central
  • Denbigh Lower
  • Denbigh Upper/Henllan
  • Ruthin



  • Permits