Quick seagrass survey for sailing event

Closed 10 Jun 2022

Opened 30 May 2022


Natur am Byth! Saving Wales’ Threatened Species

'Natur am Byth!'  (‘Nature forever’) is a brand-new, flagship programme in Wales funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Welsh Government. It unites nine environmental NGO's with Natural Resources Wales to deliver the country’s largest natural heritage and outreach programme to save species from extinction and to reconnect people to nature. Natur am Byth will lead the way to nature recovery by showing how all the people of Wales and our most endangered and threatened wildlife can flourish together, through delivering an ambitious programme of conservation management and inclusive outreach activity at both landscape and seascape scale, nationally and locally, across Wales

The programme is currently in its developmental phase and we are looking to work, discuss, and build relationships with communities, key stakeholders and delivery partners accross Wales in order to better understand the opportunities and barriers people face when engaging or trying to engage with nature, and to involve people in shaping our 4-year delivery phase (subject to funding approval). 

To find out more please visit Natur am Byth 

Why your views matter

In order for us to better understand the opportunities and barriers people face when engaging or trying to engage with seagrass, we would really appreciate it if you could fill out this short questionnaire. It shoud take no longer than 5 minutes. 

the hope is that by identifying these barriers and opportunities we can create a series of far reaching, inclusive and attractive events during our delivery phase. 

Thank you for taking the time, every response is much appreciated! 



  • Milford: West


  • Citizens


  • Community Engagement