Remediation works to the Newport Transporter Bridge

Closed 31 Jul 2021

Opened 2 Jul 2021


Notice of Application for remediation works to the Newport Transporter Bridge

Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

Notice is hereby given that Newport City Council has applied to Natural Resources Wales for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009. The application is for remediation works to be undertaken on the Newport Transporter Bridge comprising maintenance, repair, restoration and enhancement.

You can see the application documents free of charge, from the public register.  You can search for the documents using the application reference number CML2127. In light of the current public health situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) a hard copy of the application and supporting documents will not be available in a public place at this time. If printed copies of the above documents are requested, a charge not exceeding reasonable copying costs may be payable.


  • Newport


  • Fly-fishing
  • Cockles
  • Newport Green and Safe Spaces
  • Flooding
  • Llifogydd
  • Community Volunteers
  • Gwirfoddolwyr Cymunedol
  • Management
  • marine developers
  • marine planners
  • South West Stakeholder group
  • citizens
  • water companies
  • NFU
  • DCWW
  • Anglers
  • Coal Authority
  • Educators
  • SoNaRR2020


  • Permits