Evaluation of external citizen science partnership proposals

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Closes 31 Dec 2025

Citizen science partnership screening-External

1. Name of person filling in the form

About you

Before you start, it would help us if you could please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get views from a range of people that is truly reflective of our diverse communities.

IMPORTANT: your information will be kept securely, not passed to any third parties, will be kept for a limited amount of time, and only be used in connection with this project.

Read more about how we manage information about you in our Privacy Statement.

2. Email address of the person filling in the form
3. Project or partnership name
4. In which NRW Area will this project/ partnership be operating - you can select more than one.
5. Which environment(s) will this project/ partnership be covering
6. What type of data will be collected - you can select more than one.
7. Is citizen science a suitable approach to use for this project and why? Refer to the decision tree in this guidance (pages 15-19). https://www.ceh.ac.uk/sites/default/files/sepa_choosingandusingcitizenscience_interactive_4web_final_amended-blue1.pdf
8. What evidence will the project collect. How does it link to NRWs evidence needs? https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/how-researchers-can-work-with-us/?lang=en https://naturalresources.wales/areastatements?lang=en
9. Please explain your approach to data collection and analysis and how this will deliver good quality evidence and important conclusions. Refer to guidance here: https://www.ukeof.org.uk/resources/citizen-science-resources
10. Will the project/partnership deliver wider benefits eg. community engagement, education. Explain what these will be. Refer to guidance here: https://www.ukeof.org.uk/resources/citizen-science-resources
11. How will you ensure that the project/partnership delivers these wider benefits? How does the design of the project/ partnership support the delivery of these wider benefits? Refer to guidance here: https://www.ukeof.org.uk/resources/citizen-science-resources
12. Do you expect NRW to be a formal project partner?
13. Are you requesting NRW staff time input? Please provide details eg. attendance at project meetings, advice on project design, advice on your own analysis of data, NRW analysis of the data collected.
14. Are you requesting funding from NRW or elsewhere? Please detail where, how much and over what time period? Please note funding requests to NRW need to go through the grants process and not through this form. NRW grants and funding opportunities are detailed here (Natural Resources Wales / Grants and funding)
15. Have you been in contact with a member of NRW staff about this project? If so please provide their details below (name and/or email address)