653 results
Natur am Byth! Adfer Rhywogaethau dan fygythiad yng Nghymru
I ddarllen y dudalen yn Saesneg/ Click for English Partneriaeth Natur am Byth yw rhaglen flaenllaw Cymru ar gyfer Adfer Rhywogaethau. Mae'n dod â naw o elusennau a sefydliadau amgylcheddol a Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) ynghyd i gyflwyno rhaglen treftadaeth naturiol ac allgymorth fwyaf y wlad i achub nifer o rywogaethau rhag diflannu ac i ailgysylltu pobl â natur. Dyma’r deg partner craidd: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (arweinydd) ... MoreCloses 30 September 2027 -
Natur am Byth! Saving Wales' threatened species
View this page in Welsh / Cymraeg The Natur am Byth partnership is Wales’ flagship Species Recovery programme. It unites nine environmental charities and organisations with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to deliver the country’s largest natural heritage and outreach programme to save species from extinction and reconnect people to nature. The ten core partners are: Natural Resources Wales (lead) Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Bat... MoreCloses 30 September 2027 -
Reservoir Safety Reform
Click here to view this page in Welsh . In Wales, there are around 400 registered reservoirs which are regulated under the Reservoirs Act 1975 - the law which sets the minimum safety standards. We have designated over half of these as “high-risk reservoirs” where we think a failure and any subsequent uncontrolled release of water could pose a risk to life. Reservoir safety is about ensuring the physical structure of a reservoir, its dams and embankments are safe. ... MoreCloses 31 March 2028 -
Diwygio diogelwch cronfeydd dŵr yng Nghymru
Cliciwch yma i weld y dudalen yn Saesneg / Click here to view this page in English Yng Nghymru, mae tua 400 o gronfeydd dŵr cofrestredig sy’n cael eu rheoleiddio o dan Ddeddf Cronfeydd Dŵr 1975 - y gyfraith sy’n pennu’r safonau diogelwch gofynnol. Rydym wedi dynodi dros hanner y rhain yn “gronfeydd risg uchel”, lle credwn y gallai methiant ac unrhyw ollyngiadau dŵr heb reolaeth dilynol achosi perygl i fywyd. Mae diogelwch cronfeydd dŵr yn... MoreCloses 31 March 2028 -
Upper Wye Catchment Restoration Project
The Upper Wye Catchment Restoration Project is an NRW project funded by Welsh Government to restore the health of the upper reaches of the River Wye. The Wye is one of the UK’s most special rivers, which is reflected by its designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). It is home to several important species including Atlantic salmon, otter, shad, white clawed crayfish and the plant, water crowfoot. ... MoreCloses 30 March 2029 -
Prosiect Adfer Dalgylch Gwy Uchaf
Mae Prosiect Adfer Dalgylch Gwy Uchaf yn prosiect CNC, wedi’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, i adfer cyflwr rhan uchaf afon Gwy. Mae afon Gwy yn un o afonydd mwyaf arbennig y DU, ac mae hynny wedi’i adlewyrchu yn y ffaith ei bod wedi’i dynodi’n Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig (ACA) ac yn Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig (SoDdGA). Mae’n gartref i nifer o rywogaethau pwysig, gan gynnwys eogiaid, dyfrgwn, gwangod a herlod, cimychiaid yr afon, yn ogystal â’r planhigyn... MoreCloses 30 March 2029 -
Old Castle Down SSSI - Grazing to Help Wildlife
Cliciwch yma i ddarllen y dudalen yn Gymraeg / Click here to read this page in Welsh Old Castle Down Old Castle Down is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to several distinct features including limestone grassland, limestone heath and humid heath. The variation in these plant communities reflects the changes in the calcium carbonate content of the soils. On the west side of the B4265 the calcareous grassland is dominated by sheep’s fescue grass... MoreCloses 22 September 2030 -
Cwmystwyth Lead Mine
Cwmystwyth Mine is approximately 6km northeast of the village of Pont-rhyd-y-groes, Ceredigion. The mine covers around 250ha on the steep northern slopes of the Ystwyth Valley, with some minor workings on the southern slopes. Cwmystwyth exploited three mineral lodes over the course of its operation, namely Comet, Kingside and Mitchell. The earliest mining at Cwmystwyth has been dated to the Early Bronze Age, when copper was extracted from the Comet lode in an opencast on... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Gwaith Plwm Cwmystwyth
Lleolir mwynglawdd Cwmystwyth tua 6km i’r gogledd-ddwyrain o Bont-rhyd-y-groes yng Ngheredigion. Mae’r gwaith yn gorchuddio tua 250 hectar o dir ar lethrau gogleddol serth Cwm Ystwyth, gyda rhai mân weithfeydd ar y llethrau deheuol. Mwyngloddiwyd tair gwythïen fwynol yn ystod y cyfnod mwyngloddio sef Comet, Kingside a Mitchell. Mae’r gwaith mwyngloddio cynharaf yng Nghwmystwyth yn dyddio’n ôl i’r Oes Efydd Gynnar, pan roedd copr yn cael ei gloddio o wythïen Comet... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Nant y Mwyn Lead Mine
The Nant y Mwyn mine is located close to the village of Rhandirmwyn in Carmarthenshire; approximately 10 km to the north of Llandovery. There is evidence of ancient mining (pre-Roman) at the site however most of the workings date from the 16th through to the 20th centuries. Mining activity at Nant y Mwyn mine during the early 20th century was intermittent and the site was abandoned during the early 1930s. The workings can be divided into two main... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Gwaith Plwm Nant y Mwyn
Lleolir mwynglawdd Nant y Mwyn gerllaw pentref Rhandir-mwyn yn Sir Gaerfyrddin; tua 10 km i'r gogledd o Lanymddyfri. Mae tystiolaeth o fwyngloddio hynafol (cyn-Rufeinig) ar y safle, fodd bynnag mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r gweithfeydd yn dyddio o'r 16eg ganrif hyd at yr 20fed ganrif. Ysbeidiol fu gweithgarwch mwyngloddio yn Nant y Mwyn ar ddechrau’r 20fed ganrif a rhoddwyd y gorau i’r safle yn gynnar yn y 1930au. Gellir rhannu'r gweithfeydd yn ddwy... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Van Metal Mine
Van Mine is located in the rural hamlet of Y Fan, approximately 3km northeast of Llanidloes, Powys. Van Mine was a former lead, zinc, and silver mine. It was one of the most productive lead mines in Europe in the 1870s. Records of mining trials date back to 1850, with the first ore produced in 1866. Production started to decline in the 1890s and eventually closed in 1921 primarily due to the fall in lead prices due to cheaper foreign imports. Several heritage assets... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Mwynglawdd Metel y Fan
Mae Mwynglawdd y Fan ym mhentref bach gwledig y Fan, tua 3km i'r gogledd-ddwyrain o Lanidloes, Powys. Roedd Mwynglawdd y Fan yn hen fwynglawdd plwm, sinc ac arian. Roedd yn un o'r mwyngloddiau plwm mwyaf cynhyrchiol yn Ewrop yn y 1870au. Mae cofnodion o dreialon mwyngloddio yn dyddio'n ôl i 1850 a chafodd y mwyn cyntaf ei gynhyrchu ym 1866. Dechreuodd cyfradd y cynhyrchu ostwng yn y 1890au ac yn y diwedd caeodd y mwynglawdd ym 1921 yn bennaf oherwydd y gostyngiad... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Mwynglawdd Plwm a Sinc Dylife
Mae Mwynglawdd Dylife 13km i'r gogledd-orllewin o Lanidloes, Powys, ar y ffordd fynyddig i Fachynlleth. Cafodd ei nodi fel un o brif ffynonellau metelau dalgylch Afon Dyfi ac mae'n gyfrifol am y ffaith fod Afon Twymyn yn methu cyrraedd safonau'r Gyfarwyddeb Fframwaith Dŵr Ewropeaidd ar gyfer sinc, plwm a chadmiwm. Roedd Dylife yn tynnu plwm a sinc o dair gwythïen: Dylife, Esgairgaled a Llechwedd Ddu. Mae'n bosibl bod y gweithfeydd cloddio cynharaf yn dyddio o gyfnod y... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Cwmnewydion metal mine project
The Cwmnewydion project is focused on Graig Goch mine and Frongoch Adit, which are situated within the Cwmnewydion valley, located approximately 1.5 km southwest of Trisant village and 3.75 km northwest of Pont-rhyd-y-groes in Ceredigion. The Nant Cwmnewydion watercourse flows along the valley floor immediately adjacent to the northern boundary of Graig Goch mine. Upstream to the east of Graig Goch mine is Frongoch Adit and Wemyss mine. Frongoch mine is further to the... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Prosiect mwynglawdd metel Cwmnewydion
Mae prosiect Cwmnewydion yn canolbwyntio ar fwynglawdd Graig Goch a Cheuffordd Frongoch, sydd wedi'u lleoli o fewn Cwm Cwmnewydion, tua 1.5 km i'r de-orllewin o bentref Trisant a 3.75 km i'r gogledd-orllewin o Bont-Rhyd-y-groes yng Ngheredigion. Mae cwrs dŵr Nant Cwmnewydion yn llifo ar hyd llawr y dyffryn yn union gerllaw ffin ogleddol mwynglawdd Graig Goch. I fyny'r afon i'r dwyrain o fwynglawdd Graig Goch mae Ceuffordd Frongoch a mwynglawdd Wemyss. ... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Metal mine water pollution
Pollution from Abandoned Metal Mines Abandoned metal mines cause extensive pollution in Wales, with approximately 1,300 sites estimated to impact water quality and ecology in over 700 km of watercourses. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and the Mining Remediation Authority (formerly Coal Authority) are working together to tackle this pollution, making our rivers cleaner and healthier to benefit people, wildlife and the economy. Causes... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Llygredd dŵr mwyngloddiau metel
Llygredd o Fwyngloddiau Metel Segur Mae mwyngloddiau metel segur yn achosi llawer o lygredd yng Nghymru. Mae tua 1,300 o safleoedd ar hyd a lled ein gwlad, ac amcangyfrifir eu bod nhw’n effeithio ar dros 700km o gyrsiau dŵr . Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) a’r Awdurdod Glo yn cydweithio i fynd i’r afael â ’r llygredd hwn, er mwyn gwella iechyd ein hafonydd, er budd pobl, bywyd gwyllt a’r economi. Achosion llygredd... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Dylife Lead & Zinc Mine
Dylife Mine is located 13km northwest of Llanidloes, Powys, on the mountain road to Machynlleth. It has been identified as a major source of metals to the Afon Dyfi catchment and is responsible for the Afon Twymyn failing to achieve European Water Framework Directive standards for zinc, lead and cadmium. Dylife exploited lead and zinc from three mineral lodes: the Dylife, Esgairgaled and Llechwedd Ddu. The earliest workings are possibly of Roman date and may have been linked to the... MoreCloses 19 October 2043 -
Wemyss Lead & Zinc Mine
The abandoned Wemyss Mine is 15km southeast of Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. It is located at the head of the Cwmnewydion valley, a tributary of the River Magwr, which joins the River Ystwyth at Abermagwr. The mine worked the Frongoch mineral lode alongside Frongoch and Graig Goch mines. Wemyss became an integral part of the larger Frongoch Mine and cannot be considered in isolation from its more illustrious neighbour. In the 1840s both mines came under the same... MoreCloses 26 October 2043 -
Gwaith Plwm a Sinc Wemyss
Mae Mwynglawdd segur Wemyss ryw 15km i'r de-ddwyrain o Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. Mae wedi ei leoli ar ben dyffryn Cwmnewydion, un o lednentydd Afon Magwr, sy'n ymuno ag Afon Ystwyth yn Abermagwr. Gweithiodd y wythïen mwynau Frongoch ochr yn ochr â mwyngloddiau Frongoch a Chraig Goch. Daeth Wemyss yn rhan annatod o Fwynglawdd Frongoch ac ni ellir ei ystyried ar wahân i’w gymydog mwy disglair. Yn y 1840au daeth y ddau fwynglawdd o dan yr un berchnogaeth, ac fe... MoreCloses 26 October 2043 -
Mwynglawdd Parc
Mae Mwynglawdd Parc yng Nghoedwig Gwydyr ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri, tua 1.6km i'r de-orllewin o Lanrwst a thua 5km i'r gogledd o Fetws-y-Coed. Bu gwaith achlysurol ym Mwynglawdd Parc rhwng 1855 a 1963 a chloddiwyd dros 10,000 tunnell o blwm a 4,000 tunnell o sinc. Trwy ei weithfeydd tanddaearol, mae’r mwynglawdd yn cysylltu ag un ar ddeg o fwyngloddiau eraill, ac mae'n agos iawn at nifer o fwyngloddiau annibynnol eraill fel Mwynglawdd Hafna a Mwynglawdd... MoreCloses 21 December 2043 -
Parc Mine
Parc Mine is located in the Gwydir Forest within the Snowdonia National Park, approximately 1.6km southwest of Llanrwst and approximately 5km north of Betws-y-Coed. Parc Mine was worked sporadically from 1855 to 1963, recovering over 10,000 tons of lead and 4,000 tons of zinc. The mine is interconnected via its underground workings with eleven other mines, and sits in close proximity to numerous other independent mines such as Hafna Mine and Pandora Mine. When the mine... MoreCloses 18 December 2045
653 results.
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